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February 3, 2025

How to set up a sitemap for your Webstudio + Zenblog site

How to set up a sitemap for your Webstudio + Zenblog site

Learn how to configure the sitemap of your website when you are using it with the Zenblog integration.

1. Add the Zenblog Sitemap integration

Go to the Marketplace tab → Zenblog → Sitemap

Make sure you have your Blog ID right

In the right side panel, click on Zenblog ID and make sure it has your blog ID which you can get from the blog settings in zenblog

After updating it, you should see your published blog posts in the sitemap XML.

Add the missing XML properties

- lastmod: This is the time the content was last modified. It's important for informing search engines when the page's content has been updated. The value should be in the W3C Datetime format, such as "2025-02-03T14:07:59+00:00".

- changefreq: This property helps search engines know how frequently the page's content is likely to change. It provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl your site.

- priority: This property indicates how important the page is in relation to other pages on your site. The value for this property ranges between 0.0 (lowest) and 1.0 (highest). Note that this value doesn't affect your site's performance in search results, but only tells the search engine which pages you deem most important for the crawlers.

- loc: This is the URL of the page. It should be less than 2,048 characters to comply with search engine limits.

To add a property, go to the left sidebar, click the first URL element in the Posts list and click the + button.

Now, click the XML Node.

Create the lastmod property

To create the lastmod property, follow these five steps in the image. This will create a dynamic property based on the data from the CMS. This is the most complicated step, the next ones are easier!

Add the changefreq tag

Repeat the instructions to add a new XML item and add the changefreq tag.

Make sure to name it changefreq.

Adding the priority tag

Repeat the instructions to add a new XML item and add the priority tag. The content should be `0.7`.

That's it!

The end result is a dynamic XML sitemap that uses the dates from Zenblog and URLs from your Webstudio site!